Lighting Design - den phong sach, den phong lanh, den kho lanh

Lighting Design - den phong sach, den phong lanh, den kho lanh


Through Pi Power Solutions Professional Lighting Design Service, customers can get complimentary lighting design advice; receive recommendations on Paragon’s LED luminaires and simple 3D simulation on the proposed lighting layout.

What is lighting design?

A professional lighting design plan is able to accurately calculate the amount of light required without compromising on functionality or wasting energy and money. In addition, our lighting design team at Pi Power Solutions considers a multitude of practical and aesthetics factors when carrying out lighting design plan, whether it is interior lighting for offices and warehouse, factories and clean room zones as we understand that each location requires different design objective and lighting requirements.   

Our lighting designers will carry out lighting design based on the following points:

  • Illumination level: Vary according to individual environment and tasks. Proper light level and color temperature prevents eye strain, which in turn allow us to work comfortably for longer period. 
  • Uniformity: A uniform light output ensure visual comfort, enhance visual performance and ensure safety. 
  • Surrounding colors and reflectance: Another factor that lighting designers takes into account is the surrounding wall colors and it reflectance. A light colored wall will reflect more light as compared to a darker colored wall, as dark colors will absorb the light instead of reflecting it. 
  • Energy efficiency: It is no secret that LED is more energy efficient as compared to fluorescent lighting. But to prevent from unnecessary waste of energy, our lighting designers will be able to design an energy efficient lighting plan without sacrificing light performance. 

Apart from that, you will receive recommendations on the type of Pi Power Solutions LED light fixtures to install and its installation location to achieve the optimal lighting system. 

Here are some of the highlights that Pi Power Solutions’ Lighting Design can do for you: 

  • Provide expert advice and solutions for a conducive and functional lighting experience
  • Design each space according to IES and local standards
  • Recommend the appropriate lumens for each light fixture and color temperature (light color)
  • Lighting design can reduce operational costs and prevent energy wastage
  • Customized lighting design for each and every space, whilst ensuring it meets the necessary standards